Saturday, August 9, 2008
The laws of quantum physics tell us that everything is energy. There is only one basic energy behind and it is the quantum Ocean.

Bandy The researchers back and forth theories and assumptions about what has been the cornerstone of Creation. They call it the 'Quan. " They speak the particles and waves, the opportunities and probabilities, words, words, words are abstractions weaker than the object itself.

The word "tree" on paper is not a tree. You can not eat the word "steak" written on a sheet of paper.

Energy, that there is a quantum sea and flashes in and out of our physical reality is the cornerstone of Creation.

Where is it now? God, or to be precise Quantum is ocean "Mind of God." This is the only asia that researchers leave their materialistic Witting, and talk about the braying, quantum physics.

Prior to their use of the Creator God of their equation, they should not be done at the right answer. What we have, and the extent to which we have come from and what's going on, the concept of "Big Bang Theory" is not the answer to these questions correctly. It is not the answer to the question who has the energy, the ball and started the momentum in the first place? Creator-God did.

Before we get more laws of quantum physics and the depth and breath of the ocean quantum true reality of the Creator, Allah is too high, that we understand with our minds closed.

We have to go to the sea of quantum, the spirit of God and to work with the energies of the Creator separately.

My teacher and mentor, said, "if you do not have to explain something about his own words, you do not know what you're talking about. You root parroting someone else." I wonder how the researchers as "Parrots?"

All the laws of quantum physics to a point behind the intelligence has been set up Quantum ocean is infinite ocean of thought, intelligent, energy, which meets our thoughts and feelings. It is the intelligence behind the creation.

Because it is God, it is also a plan for the Creator. The plan is part of the "Mind" Creator. And, as the spirit of the Creator is a Quantum Ocean, the plan is the quantum Ocean.

Everything that has ever been, is or will be involved in the spirit of God the Creator, the Quantum Ocean. It is, therefore, the form of Divine BluePrints, the divine Archetypes.

These models have been set up in such a way that, when they are "Flash-out" in the machine, we in physical reality, that they take the final forms.

There are models of the divine perfect man, women, animals, birds, plants, planets, galaxies and the universe, the divine When these plans is the first "cloak-out" in the spirit of God, it could be a case of Big Bang. It was instantaneous.

Each of us has a unique soul, the spirit of God. We have a flashing light "and", "Birth, death, as the universe.

It is a moment of divine plan for everything. That is what is meant by the Bible to mean "It is the period everything!

A better health care, we must endeavour to meet the energy configuration (of body and mind) in its original energy of our soul. We must learn to bring ocean quantum search for divine plan, and to comply with.

We need to burn all wrong "dross" we collected during travels. Quantum is the ocean, if the plans are in perfect health. Time will be the ocean quantum, the spirit of God and recover from them.

Your divine plan has its own health

The laws of quantum physics tells us that everything is energy. It is really only one basic energy behind and it is the quantum Ocean.

Bandy The researchers back and forth theories and assumptions about what has been the cornerstone of Creation. They call it the 'Quan. " They speak the particles and waves, the opportunities and probabilities, Words, Words, Words! The words are abstractions weaker than the object itself.

The word "tree" on paper is not a tree. You can not eat the word "steak" written on a sheet of paper.

Energy, that there is a quantum sea and flashes in and out of our physical reality is the cornerstone of Creation.

Where is it now? God, or to be precise Quantum is ocean "Mind of God." This is the only asia that researchers leave their materialistic Witting, and talk about the braying, quantum physics.

Prior to their use of the Creator God of their equation, they should not be done at the right answer. What we have, and the extent to which we have come from and what's going on, the concept of "Big Bang Theory" is not the answer to these questions correctly. It is not the answer to the question "Who has the energy, the ball and started the momentum in the first place?" Creator-God has made.

Before we get more laws of quantum physics and the depth and breath of the ocean quantum true reality of the Creator, Allah is too high, that we understand with our minds closed.

We have to go to the sea of quantum, the spirit of God and to work with the energies of the Creator separately.

My teacher and mentor, said, "Ellis, unless you can explain something about his own words, you do not know what you're talking about. You root parroting someone else." I wonder how the researchers as "Parrots?"

All the laws of quantum physics to a point behind the intelligence has been set up Quantum ocean is infinite ocean of thought, intelligent, energy, which meets our thoughts and feelings. It is the intelligence behind the creation.

Because it is God, it is also a plan for the Creator. The plan is part of the "Mind" Creator. And, as the spirit of the Creator is a Quantum Ocean, the plan is the quantum Ocean.

Everything that has ever been, is or will be involved in the spirit of God the Creator, the Quantum Ocean. It is, therefore, the form of Divine BluePrints, the divine Archetypes.

These models have been set up in such a way that, when they are "Flash-out" in the machine, we in physical reality, that they take the final forms.

There are models of the divine perfect man, women, animals, birds, plants, planets, galaxies and the universe, the divine When these plans is the first "cloak-out" in the spirit of God, it could be a case of Big Bang. It was instantaneous.

Each of us has a unique soul, the spirit of God. We have a flashing light "and", "Birth, death, as the universe.

It is a moment of divine plan for everything. That is what is meant by the Bible to mean "It is the period everything!

A better health care, we must endeavour to meet the energy configuration (of body and mind) in its original energy of our soul. We must learn to bring ocean quantum search for divine plan, and to comply with.

We need to burn all wrong "dross" we collected during travels. Quantum is the ocean, if the plans are in perfect health. Time will be the ocean quantum, the spirit of God and recover from them.

the disease itself, although they may cause irritation on a daily basis and worry.


Medical Report